Web Directory
AARP | www.aarp.org |
Advanced Medical Technology Association | www.advamed.org |
Alliance for Aging Research | www.agingresearch.org |
Alliance for Health Reform | www.allhealth.org |
Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care, The | www.aqnhc.org |
Alzheimer’s Association | www.alz.org |
American Academy of Family Physicians | www.aafp.org |
American Academy of Wound Management | www.aawm.org |
American Assisted Living Nurses Association | www.alnursing.org |
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry | www.aagponline.org |
American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance | www.aaltci.org |
American Association for Long Term Care Nursing | www.LTCNursing.org |
American Association for Respiratory Care | www.aarc.org |
American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants | www.aalnc.org |
American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination | www.aanac.org |
American Cancer Society | www.cancer.org |
American College of Health Care Administrators | www.achca.org |
American College of Healthcare Executives | www.ache.org |
American Federation for Aging Research | www.afar.org |
American Geriatrics Society, The | www.americangeriatrics.org |
American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living | www.ahcancal.org |
American Health Information Management Association | www.ahima.org |
American Health Lawyers Association | www.healthlawyers.org |
American Health Quality Association | www.ahqa.org |
American Hospital Association | www.aha.org |
American Massage Therapy Association | www.amtamassage.org |
American Medical Association | www.ama-assn.org |
Journal of the American Medical Association | https://jama.ama-assn.org |
AMDA-Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine | www.amda.com |
American Music Therapy Association, Inc. | www.musictherapy.org |
American National Standards Institute | www.ansi.org |
American Nurses Association | www.nursingworld.org |
American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. | www.aota.org |
American Physical Therapy Association | www.apta.org |
American Seniors Housing Association | www.seniorshousing.org |
American Society on Aging | www.asaging.org |
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists | www.ascp.com |
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | www.asha.org |
America’s Health Insurance Plans | www.ahip.org |
A Perfect Cause | www.aperfectcause.org |
Arthritis Foundation | www.arthritis.org |
Assisted Living Federation of America | www.alfa.org |
Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. | www.apic.org |
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses | www.rehabnurse.org |
CARF-CCAC | www.carf.org/aging |
Catholic Health Association of the United States | www.chausa.org |
CCAL-Advancing Person-Centered Living | www.ccal.org |
Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) | www.agingtech.org |
Center for Excellence in Assisted Living | www.theceal.org |
Center for Health Design, The | www.healthdesign.org |
Center for Studying Health System Change | www.hschange.com |
Center for Universal Design, The College of Design North Carolina State University | www.design.ncsu.edu/cud |
Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging University of California, Berkeley | www.ceda.berkeley.edu |
CNN Health | cnn.com/health |
Coalition of Women in Long-Term Care | www.cowl.org |
Dementia Care Professionals of America Alzheimer’s Foundation of America | www.careprofessionals.org |
Dietary Managers Association | www.dmaonline.org |
eHealth Initiative | www.ehealthinitiative.org |
Employee Benefit Research Institute | www.ebri.org |
Essential Workers Immigration Coalition, The | www.ewic.org |
Federation of American Hospitals | www.fah.org |
Gerontological Society of America, The | www.geron.org |
GeroNurseOnline.org | www.geronurseonline.org |
Healthcare Financial Management Association | www.hfma.org |
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society | www.himss.org |
Healthcare Intelligence Network | www.hin.com |
Health Industry Distributors Association | www.hida.org |
Health on the Net Foundation | www.hon.ch |
Hospice Foundation of America | www.hospicefoundation.org |
Independent Living Research Utilization | www.ilru.org |
Institute for Human Centered Design | www.adaptenv.org |
Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, The | www.alz.uci.edu |
Joint Commission, The | www.jointcommission.org |
Leading Age | www.leadingage.com |
Long-Term Living | www.iadvanceseniorcare.com |
Medscape | www.medscape.com |
National Academy of ElderLaw Attorneys, Inc. | www.naela.org |
National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine | www.iom.edu |
National Association Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care | www.nadona.org |
National Association for Continence | www.nafc.org |
National Association for Home Care & Hospice | www.nahc.org |
National Association for the Support of Long Term Care | www.nasl.org |
National Association of Activity Professionals | www.thenaap.com |
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging | www.n4a.org |
National Association of Foster Grandparent Program Directors | www.nafgpd.org |
National Association of Health Care Assistants | www.nahcacares.org |
National Association of Home Builders | www.nahb.com |
National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards | www.nabweb.org |
National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs | www.nanasp.org |
National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers | www.caremanager.org |
National Association of Retired Senior Volunteer Program Directors, Inc. | www.narsvpd.com |
National Association of State Budget Officers | www.nasbo.org |
National Association of State Units on Aging and Disabilities | www.nasuad.org |
National Association of State Veterans Homes | www.nasvh.org |
National Center for Assisted Living | www.ahcancal.org |
National Chronic Care Consortium | www.nccconline.org |
National Clearinghouse on the Direct Care Workforce | www.directcareclearinghouse.org |
National Commission for Quality Long-Term Care | www.qualitylongtermcarecommission.org |
National Committee for Quality Assurance | www.ncqa.org |
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare | www.ncpssm.org |
National Conference of State Legislatures | www.ncsl.org |
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, The | www.theconsumervoice.org |
National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners, LLC | www.nccdp.org |
National Council of HealthCare Agents | www.nchacouncil.com |
National Council on Aging | www.ncoa.org |
BenefitsCheckUp | www.benefitscheckup.org |
National Fire Protection Association | www.nfpa.org |
National Gerontological Nursing Association | www.ngna.org |
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization | www.nhpco.org |
National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation | www.nihcm.org |
National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry | www.nic.org |
National Kitchen & Bath Association | www.nkba.org |
National Network of Career Nursing Assistants | www.cna-network.org |
National Osteoporosis Foundation | www.nof.org |
National PACE Association | www.npaonline.org |
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel | www.npuap.org |
National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification- Andrus Gerontology Center University of Southern California | www.homemods.org |
National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association | www.nrmlaonline.org |
National Senior Citizens Law Center | www.nsclc.org |
National Stroke Association | www.stroke.org |
Neurosciences on the Internet | www.neuroguide.com |
Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute | www.phinational.org |
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America | www.phrma.org |
Presbyterian Association of Homes and Services for the Aging | www.pahsa.org |
RAND Corporation | www.rand.org |
Reuters Health | www.reutershealth.com |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The | www.rwjf.org |
Service Employees International Union | www.seiu.org |
Society for the Advancement of Gerontological Environments | www.sagefederation.org |
Sorry Works! Coalition | www.sorryworks.net |
Untie the Elderly | www.ute.kendaloutreach.org |
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society | www.wocn.org |
Access Board | www.access-board.gov |
Administration on Aging | www.aoa.gov |
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | www.ahrq.gov |
Census Bureau | www.census.gov |
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion | www.cnpp.usda.gov |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | www.cdc.gov |
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | www.cms.hhs.gov |
CMS Research, Statistics, Data & Systems | www.cms.hhs.gov/home/rsds.asp |
MDS 3.0 Overview | www.cms.gov/NursingHomeQualityInits/ 01_Overview.asp#TopOfPage |
Medicare | www.medicare.gov |
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission | www.medpac.gov |
Nursing Home Compare | www.medicare.gov/NHCompare/home.asp |
SNF Prospective Payment System | www.cms.hhs.gov/SNFPPS |
Department of Health and Human Services | www.hhs.gov |
healthfinder® | www.healthfinder.gov |
Office of Disability, Aging, and Long-Term Care Policy | www.aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp |
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion | www.odphp.osophs.dhhs.gov |
Department of Homeland Security | www.dhs.gov |
Department of Housing and Urban Development | www.hud.gov/groups/seniors.cfm |
Department of Justice | www.justice.gov |
Department of Labor | www.dol.gov |
Bureau of Labor Statistics | www.stats.bls.gov |
Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division | www.dol.gov/whd/index.htm |
Occupational Safety & Health Administration | www.osha.gov |
Department of Veterans Affairs | www.va.gov |
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | www.eeoc.gov |
Federal Register | www.gpoaccess.gov/fr |
FedStats | www.fedstats.gov |
FirstGov | www.usa.gov |
Food and Drug Administration | www.fda.gov |
Government Accountability Office | www.gao.gov |
Internal Revenue Service | www.irs.gov |
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | www.cdc.gov/niosh/ |
National Institutes of Health | www.nih.gov |
National Cancer Institute | www.cancer.gov |
NIHSeniorHealth.gov | www.nihseniorhealth.gov |
National Labor Relations Board | www.nlrb.gov |
National Library of Medicine | www.nlm.nih.gov |
PubMed | www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed |
TOXNET (Toxicology Data Network) | www.toxnet.nlm.nih.gov |
Office of Management and Budget | www.whitehouse.gov/omb |
Senior Corps | www.seniorcorps.gov |
Small Business Administration | www.sba.gov |
Social Security Administration | www.ssa.gov |
THOMAS Legislative Information | https://thomas.loc.gov |
U.S. Congress, House Committee on Ways and Means | https://waysandmeans.house.gov |
U.S. Senate Committee on Finance | www.finance.senate.gov |
U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging | www.aging.senate.gov |
White House, The Offices of the President and Vice-President | www.whitehouse.gov |