The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

Waging war on Alzheimer’s disease

On July 29, U.S. Sens. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) and Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) introduced legislation to create an Office of the National Alzheimer’s Project within the White House to coordinate all research, clinical care, and services to prevent, care, and, ultimately, cure this disease. As Boomers continue to age, more Americans will be at risk for contracting Alzheimer’s, which is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. Studies indicate that almost half of Americans age 85 and over will suffer from Alzheimer’s.

Martinez, who announced his intent to resign on August 7 and will likely be replaced by Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) on the Special Committee on Aging, said: “This new office will coordinate all care and research efforts in fighting this progressive, disabling disease of the mind and body. By assisting patients and their family members, many governmental and nongovernmental agencies studying the causes, effects, and clinical and service needs of Alzheimer’s will be able to combine their best practices of care … and hopefully one day provide a cure.”

Also a member of the Special Committee on Aging, Bayh stated that the incidence of Alzheimer’s is rising and notes that the federal government will spend an estimated $100 billion on their care this year, adding that “we must increase our efforts to detect and combat this disease. Establishing the Office of the National Alzheimer’s Project in the White House will accelerate the development of cutting-edge medical treatments.”

The Office of the National Alzheimer’s Project’s director will be appointed to the Domestic Policy Council and the Office of Science and Technology. The Office will also ensure the inclusion of ethnic and racial populations at higher risk of Alzheimer’s or least likely to receive care in clinical, research, and access to facilities diagnosing and treating the disease.

Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) have joined in support of this legislation. The Alzheimer’s Association has given its full support to the Office of the National Alzheimer’s Project Act.

‘Red Flags’ Rule Delayed Once More

Washington, D.C.-In what seems to be a quarterly trend, the Federal Trade Commission’s “Red Flags” Rule has been delayed a third time to November 1, 2009-a year after its original enforcement date.

The FTC’s anti-fraud regulation has been pushed back three times now to allow creditors additional preparation to create programs that identify, detect, and respond to the warning signs, or “red flags,” which could indicate identity theft. The rule was developed as part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003.

Included in the list of entities required to comply with the rule are hospitals and long-term care facilities, which are considered creditors if they do not immediately charge for services provided.

To determine if compliance is necessary-and for resources on how to meet the rule’s requirements-visit the FTC’s “Red Flags” Web site at


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Long-Term Living 2009 September;58(9):12

Topics: Alzheimer's/Dementia , Articles