Senior Care Regulatory Compliance [Survey Form]"*" indicates required fieldsStep 1 of 520%Upon completion of this survey, we will ask for your work email address so we can send you a $5 digital Starbucks card. Please note: Card available only to respondents who work for senior care-related organizations.What best describes the type of organization you work for?* Skilled nursing facility Assisted living/residential care Continuing care retirement community (CCRC) Independent living Hospital Supplier/service provider to senior care facility Multi-facility corporate or regional office OtherWhich of the following best describes your job title?* CEO, CFO, COO, President, Board Member Administrator, Executive Director Director of Nursing Marketing/Sales Director Social Services Director Nursing (except Director of Nursing) OtherHow many beds are managed by your facility?* Fewer than 25 25-49 50-99 100-199 200-499 500 or More Not classified by number of bedsWhat aspect of regulatory compliance is most challenging to you and your organization?*Please indicate how important the following issues are to you in your work.*Answer for YOUR JOB specifically, and not for your organization as a whole.1. Very important2.3.4.5.Not at all importantStaffing and personnel managementClinical careRevenue/reimbursementLegal/regulatory complianceCost controlOperationsInformation technologyRisk and safetyQuality of life (environment, social, etc.)Sales and marketingPlease indicate how useful you find the following resources in dealing with regulatory compliance.1. Very useful2.3.4.5. Not at all usefulI don't know / not familiar to meAHCA/NCALArgentumState AssociationHealthicity (compliance software)The Compliance StoreSenior Living U (training website)Website of Attorney/Law FirmGovernment Websites (e.g., CMS)Please indicate any resources you use in dealing with regulatory compliance that are not in the list above.What information do you NOT you get from these resources that would help you better deal with regulatory compliance issues?Say you had access to a regulatory compliance expert, someone knowledgeable and experienced in all areas of regulations and managing a senior care facility. What would you ask of this expert?Please indicate how challenging the following regulatory and compliance issues are to you.1. Very challenging2.3.4.5. Not at all challengingI don't know / not relevant to meSurvey preparednessInfection controlAccident preventionComprehensive care plansEnsuring sufficient quality of careFood safetyPharmaceutical labeling and storageReimbursement/ false claims IssuesElopementPressure soresUnderstanding changing regulatory requirementsWe are considering creating an information service to help senior care leaders with regulatory compliance issues. How valuable would you find these elements of such a service?1. Very valuable2.3.4.5. Not at all valuableBreaking news updates on regulatory developmentsPlain-English guidance on new and changing legal compliance obligationsVirtual presentations and Q&A sessions with legal expertsSample forms, policies, and checklistsVirtual forums to discuss compliance issues with your peersCase studies of how senior care facilities have dealt with compliance challengesWhat else should an regulatory compliance information service should include to make it most valuable to you?Thank you for your response, and for helping I Advance Senior Care better understand the regulatory and compliance issues facing senior care leaders. We would like to send you a $5 digital Starbucks Card as a token of our thanks. Please indicate your WORK email address so we can send you the card.Work Email If you use a generic email domain (e.g., and cannot provide an email address with your employer's domain, please also include your name and employer name so we can verify your eligibility. Only employees of senior care facilities and related organizations are eligible.One final question: Would you be willing to discuss senior care regulatory and compliance issues with one of our researchers in a 30-minute interview? If you complete an interview we will send you a $60 Amazon gift card to thank you for your time. Yes, please contact me to schedule an interview. No thank you.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.