Staffing Solutions for the Senior Care Industry

Exclusive Member Report

The ongoing senior care staffing crisis continues to strain the industry, leaving fewer workers tasked with accomplishing more and highlighting the importance of staff recruitment and retention. With the supply of professionals, including nurses, at a critically low point, senior care administrators are facing unprecedented challenges in keeping enough staff on to remain operational and maintain quality of care for residents.

Fortunately, new and creative approaches to staffing are evolving. In this report, we bring you coverage of a new proposed staffing rule for long-term care facilities, initial reactions from leaders in the senior care industry, as well as innovative approaches that senior care communities across the country are taking to address staffing challenges.

You’ll get critical info on:

  • The recently proposed staffing rule from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and how it would impact nursing homes.
  • Factors influencing the Kaiser Permanente healthcare workers strike in October 2023 and what the implications are for the senior care industry.
  • How an in-house training and certification program helps Barclay Friends address staffing challenges by creating a pipeline of certified CNAs and providing career development opportunities for existing staff.
  • Research examining how nursing homes responded to staffing shortages during the pandemic and the lasting impacts of these staffing challenges.
  • How LeadingAge Maryland is addressing staffing challenges with a program aimed at training frontline maintenance staff and property managers to support residents.

Our aim with this report is to help you and your organization discover new ways to think about senior care practices and continue to improve operations and conditions in your facility for both residents and staff.

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