Send us your best for OPTIMA 2010

The 2010 OPTIMA Award is sponsored by Direct Supply.
With so much pressure on your facility to do more with less, outstanding staff performance deserves special recognition. That is the purpose of the OPTIMA Award, now in its 15th year of sponsorship by Long-Term Living. This year we’re happy to welcome our corporate sponsor Direct Supply.

Winning facilities have see the benefits of being an OPTIMA winner—mention and praise in local media, acknowledgement by government officials, recognition by facilities throughout the United States, and a handsome trophy that can be displayed for all residents and visitors to see.

Last year’s OPTIMA winner Rolling Fields.

The OPTIMA Award is one of the best ways to recognize staff who go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to resident care. At the OPTIMA awards ceremony, the pride and accomplishment among the staff is palpable.

To enter, describe an innovative program you’ve started in resident-focused care. Tell us about the “before and after” and discuss how your staff has been involved in implementing the program. Ask for an OPTIMA Award submission packet at the FAX number or address below, or click here for a printable PDF.

All entries must be received no later than June 18, 2010. An article on the winning entry will be published in the September 2010 issue of Long-Term Living. The award will be conferred by me in the fall.

Let’s hear from you!

To request an OPTIMA Award submission packet with all the details for entering:

FAX your request to: (216) 391-9200


Write to: The Editor, Long-Term Living,

3800 Lakeside Ave. E. #201, Cleveland, OH 44114

Or simply click here!

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