Resident monitoring system now available for iPhone

Warrendale, Penn.-based NewCare Solutions has announced that its SilentAlert Resident Monitor System, featuring an iPhone app, is now available to family members.

According to a press release, the new Family Plus program for the SilentAlert system can be downloaded to any iPhone for free. Once installed, the family can check on how their loved one is sleeping, read about upcoming events at the community and learn about any new services.

Communities that have already installed the SilentAlert system report improved resident care, a reduction of resident incidents and earlier identification of behavioral changes which are often warning signs of developing health problems. Now, with the release of the Family Plus program, families also have the ability to check in on their loved ones.

"The introduction of our Family Plus program, in conjunction with our SilentAlert Sleep Index and phone application, positions us as the only technology that helps improve the care that our customers provide AND generates revenue which more than pays for the service," explains Will Kaigler, CEO of NewCare Solutions.


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