The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

Protecting seniors from abuse is a national priority

Elder abuse is a continuing problem in America. While President Obama’s FY 2015 budget includes $24 million to create an Adult Protective Services (APS) National Data System, develop APS standards and support evidence-based research, the initiative has not received funding.

 APS has a legal responsibility to care for seniors and people with disabilities if they are the victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Developing a program infrastructure and data system, would  assist APS in investigating and reducing the number of elder victims and the associated costs.

The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care asks family members, state ombudsmen and LTC providers and advocates to contact their federal lawmakers and urge them to fund the Elder Justice Initiative and its provisions to protect and prevent elder abuse.

Topics: Advocacy , Clinical , Executive Leadership , Regulatory Compliance