Product Focus (PDF opens in a new window)

Laundry Water Saver

Pellerin Milnor’s V-Series washer-extractors with 40- to 160-lb capacities now feature the new RinSave water saver software that eliminates excessive rinse and intermediate extract steps. This process allows a precise high g-force to “sling” the wash liquor (water chemistry and soil) out of the good between the last wash step and following rinse cycle. Milnor’s V-Series washer-extractors with RinSave software conserve water use and will save money every time they run.

For more information, call (800) 469-8780 or visit

Financial/Clinical Software

MDI Achieve’s Matrix software is a complete Financial and Clinical solution with EHR capabilities. With its broad line of easy-to-use solutions, you can empower staff throughout your organization with tools to help improve quality of care, documentation, and administration. Each module in the product suite provides the features and functions needed to manage day-to-day operations more efficiently. MDI Achieve’s Business Intelligence Solutions offer powerful benchmarking tools and custom reporting to help manage your business more proactively.

For more information, call (866) 469-3766 or visit

Charting Software

ECS-Electronic Chart System by American Data flows all information (CNA Charting, e-MARs, therapy, and service plans [AL]) together to form a single patient record across the continuum of care. The result is a system that will decrease cost, liability, and turnover while increasing revenues, with the new MDS 3.0 and patient care.

For more information, call (800) 464-9942 or visit

Laundry Products

Spartan Chemical’s Clothesline Fresh Laundry Break, BLD, and Sour/Softener products are now available in gallon bottles. This new portable size is perfect for laundry dispensers. The translucent container makes it easy to see when a switch out of the bottle is needed. The color and numbering system makes training simple and quick.

Clothesline Fresh laundry products contain new surfactant technology and biodegradable water softeners not found in other formulations.

For more information, call (800) 537-8990 or visit

Facility Management System

Direct Supply® TELS® is a Web-based facility management system for tracking equipment and scheduling preventive maintenance, helping to keep your community compliant and your staff and residents safe. TELS helps to overcome the most important challenges in eldercare maintenance-Life Safety codes, staff training, preventive maintenance, and more.

For more information, call (800) 634-7328 or visit


Maytag® Commercial Laundry now offers a 50- to 55-pound soft-mount washer/extractor model that fits through a standard 36 door opening. The soft-mount suspension system reduces the need for machine bolt-down, so installation is available on above-grade floors. The inverter drive system helps decrease wear and tear of washer components, such as the shaft, bearing, seals, and belts. Its high-speed extraction is more than 350 G-force to cut drying time, helping to save on labor and energy costs.

For more information, visit

Instant Notification

Smart phones, texting, instant messaging, and status updates are a reality of everyday life. Compliance Center, within American HealthTech’s LTC application suite, allows users access to automated functionality that provides instant notification of a variety of clinical data. Compliance Center can notify all employees or specific groups based on the type of data element and provide responses back to the management team. Real-time documentation systems need real-time notifications, so you can provide better care for residents.

For more information, call (800) 489-2648, ext. 3015 or visit

Web-Based Data Analytics

eHealth Data Solutions offers data analytics for clinical, administrative, and reimbursement concerns in long-term care with its trio of products: CareWatch®, RiskWatch®, and UB Watch. Using an evidence-based approach, these Web-based applications provide accuracy, a reliable foundation for MDS assessments, UB-04s, RUG rates and potential RUG payment analyses, occurrence reporting, and treatment plans. Bundled together, this suite presents a comprehensive solution to MDS 3.0 needs, quality improvement, risk management, and financial management.

For more information, call (888) 562-8906 or visit

Long-Term Living 2010 December;59(12):47-48

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