Online course tackles caregiver anger, guilt

Caring for older adults, especially those with chronicdiseases or dementia, can be an emotional overload.  is never easy, and there are a host of emotions with which the caregiver must cope.

As part of its continuing education curriculum for healthcare professionals, Jacksonville, Fla.-based Professional Development Resources is offering a streaming video course entitled "Caregiver Help Part I: Coping with Anger and Guilt."

According to a press release posted on the company's website, this course not only addresses the emotions of anger and guilt but also provides a three-step process to help caregivers develop a "creative indifference" toward the people and situations that cause the greatest amount of emotional stress.

"Feeling angry is a normal and predictable reaction to circumstances we cannot control," said Elaine and Alex Sanchez, creators of the course. "Caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's disease or some other chronic debilitating condition is one of the most difficult and stressful tasks one can undertake. It is not unusual for caregivers to be angry with a variety of people, situations, and events. You may be mad at the disease, your care receiver, the medical community, insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, friends, family, and coworkers. People who are experiencing fatigue, fear, and frustration are especially prone to losing their tempers." 

The online course, which can be accessed from a computer or mobile device, includes lectures, animated illustrations and worksheets.

The company also recently released courses in Lewy Body dementia and avoiding medical errors in nutrition.


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