The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

Long-Term Living wins Gold Award for best online news coverage

Long-Term Living was named the Gold Award winner for Best Online News Coverage Tuesday by the American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (ASHPE). The top award, one of four awards Long-Term Living received for 2011 content, recognized its journalistic achievement for the story “Hurricane Irene Tests Healthcare Disaster Response Plans.”

Long-Term Living also earned a Silver Award for Best Special Supplement, Annual or Buyer’s Guide for its 2011 Industry Guide; a Silver Award for Best Profile (“Rehab with Heart”) and a Bronze Award for Best E-Newsletter (October 14, 2011).

Two of Long-Term Living’s sister publications won multiple awards as well: Behavioral Healthcare won a Gold Award for Best Case History and a Bronze Award for Best Profile. Addiction Professional won a Gold Award for Best Use of Social Media and a Silver Award for Best Opening Spread or Page: Photo.

Topics: Clinical , Disaster Preparedness , Executive Leadership , Facility management