New EPA Tool to Help Lower Energy Costs

A webinar on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2009 Senior Care Survey results will be taking place Nov. 10, when the EPA discusses a new benchmark on energy use in senior living buildings being released March 21, 2011.

The webinar is only offered one time to the first 200 registered participants. The 2009 Senior Care Survey gathered senior living energy consumption details—data that was central to the development of Energy Star’s new Senior Care Benchmark, which building and operations managers can use to assess and compare energy use in their communities. Buildings that earn a 75-100 on the benchmark scale are eligible to apply for the ENERGY STAR rating.

The webinar will discuss the survey process used to develop the benchmark and will outline next steps for putting the benchmark to work once it’s launched. Providers with multiple buildings should limit themselves to one Webinar attendee, the EPA is asking, and that groups who would like to have more than one listener gather in a conference room. The webinar will be recorded and a link will be sent to those who are waitlisted.

Register for the 2009 Senior Care Survey Results Webinar.


Assisted Living Federation of America

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