New computer delivery worries

Last fall when my computer turned five, it no longer ran my voice activation software as it once had. For several months I was on and off the fence about getting a new computer. Even though mine is maddeningly slow, I am used to it.  I hated thinking about getting a new one and having that unfamiliar feeling. 

But with continuing glitches plaguing me, I got a deal on a new computer from a local tech. The tech wanted to provide the other peripheral devices I needed. But when he did not have a laser printer, I went searching online on my own.

I had quite a time finding a replacement for my 10-year-old laser printer. Most multi-function laser printers are large. But after much searching I found a laser printer that would fit in the space of the old one.

With little room for a scanner, I decided on a self-feeding portable which will take up less space. I hope it will do what I need.

As part of the deal the techs agreed to deliver my computer to the nursing home and set it up. So I wanted everything on my old computer and in my room to be ready when the computer was finished. 

I wanted the new desktop’s tower to be smaller. But a faster processor and more RAM memory required one the same size. My new monitor will be two inches wider and easier on my eyes.

The techs said they would move my personal files from my old to my new computer. But since I am quite private, I consolidated the files myself and moved them to a thumb drive.  

When my computer was finished a couple of weeks ago, facility maintenance were in the middle of stripping and waxing resident room floors. Since I was told my name was on the list, I hoped my floor would be cleaned before the computer was delivered. But since I do not have a definite floor cleaning date, I decided to have the computer delivered.

I want to start getting used to the new system and check out the configuration.  Then I will feel I can handle any glitches that might pop up. 

One tech downloaded my voice activation software and was surprised that it required so much training. I smiled and told him I have been working with that software for years. It is a functional convenience that requires some work up front.

Within a few days I should be at my new computer discovering new things and learning about its idiosyncrasies.

Topics: Clinical