LTL Online

The Long-Term Living Web site serves daily news focused on the LTC field. The news feed covers reports and studies, governance, views and news from healthcare associations, seniors’ health, personnel news, product developments, upcoming events, and more. Delivered to your e-mail inbox, the weekly e-newsletter is a convenient way to read the top headlines in the field. Find out more and subscribe to the eNews at



Visit to view our dynamic coverage of the 2009 AAHSA Annual Meeting & Exposition in Chicago.

Minnix talks shop on CLASS Act

Larry Minnix, president and CEO of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA), speaks to Editor Maureen Hrehocik about the CLASS Act provisions included in the recently passed House health reform bill.

‘Idea House’ a technological wonder

“This is a house that one could age in place in without ever having to move. And the computer technology! It was mind-boggling. There’s no doubt in my mind; the AAHSA Idea House showed me the future is here.”

-Maureen Hrehocik, Editor

RFID technology and long-term care

Kathie Vick, marketing manager of RF Technologies, discusses RFID technology and how it relates to the long-term care industry. What is the purpose of RFID technology? Does it intrude on resident privacy? How should a facility go about implementing an RFID program? Watch the video to hear Vick’s responses and more.

Readers say… the Long-Term Living Web site is featuring a new poll every Monday. Here are the results from a recent poll:

Should long-term care employees be allowed to use their cell phones on the job?

Reader Comments:

“How can you be caring for a resident and be speaking on the phone at the same time? The residents deserve all of your attention.”

“Minimally, but each of us has a story and a life outside work … many of us are caregivers as well and need to be reachable in emergencies!”

“The phone is not only the problem, but the camera on the phone is also a very big problem. Pictures of residents that violate privacy and dignity have been documented in some homes.”

Long-Term Living 2009 December;58(12):6

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