The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

Long-Term Living’s LinkedIn group celebrates 1,600 members

It is with great pride that we make this announcement: The Long-Term Living LinkedIn group has reached 1,600 members. Thank you for all your support!

We reached 1,600 members on Super Bowl Sunday. Needless to say, the Seahawks weren't the only team celebrating a victory!

On LinkedIn, it's all about keeping the professional conversations going. We discuss everything from long-term care to computerized shoes that prevent falls. Have a question about something happening in your field? Ask our community and you're bound to get answers.

Even if you just want to chat about a situation that arose in your facility, start the conversation and you have an audience of 1,600 people that can offer advice.

Not a member of our LinkedIn group yet? Click here to join!

Don't forget: We also have a Facebook page and a Twitter account where you can get news updates all day long.

Click here to Like Long-Term Living Magazine on Facebook.

Click here to follow Long-Term Living on Twitter. Additionally, you can follow the editors at @LTL_Tabar, @LTL_Bowers and @LTL_Hoban.

As always, thank you for all of your support. We really appreciate you and your feedback.

Topics: Executive Leadership , Technology & IT