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LeadingAge CAST releases new EHR matrix, adds 14 new systems

The LeadingAge Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) released today an updated matrix and whitepaper to assist organizations in choosing an electronic health record (EHR). The new matrix adds 14 new EHR vendors to the matrix, bringing the total to 36. The matirx catalogues vendor capabilities based on more than 200 functionalities, giving organizations deep details on what a vendor’s EHR system can provide.

"We have updated the EHR Selection Matrix this year to provide detailed information on Clinical Decision Support Systems’ capabilities, interoperability standards and health information exchange (HIE) capabilities, in response to an expressed need from our members," says Majd Alwan, PhD, LeadingAge senior vice president for technology and executive director of CAST. "Thanks to the vendors, who participated and contributed information about their products' capabilities according to a defined set of functionalities, our tools are both thorough and responsive to timely needs, given the role EHRs with Clinical Decision Support Systems and HIE capabilities can play in reducing inappropriate hospital transitions and readmissions."

Today’s release, announced at the 2013 Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Summit in Baltimore, is the first major update to the vendor list since the portfolio of free tools was first released in 2012.

Topics: Technology & IT