Heard at EFA: Soundbytes from EFA 2013
The editorial staff from Healthcare Design and Long-Term Living collected some of the thoughts, stats and take-home messages we heard in the session rooms, keynotes and hallways during the 2013 Environments for Aging conference in New Orleans. These quotes and stats reflect not only the current breaking edge of senior housing design, but also show us where our building spaces and our clinical and palliative care will need to meet in the future.
Be sure to read the additional articles from our EFA coverage on this site, on the websites of Long-Term Living and Healthcare Design, or via the 2013 EFA Twitter feed at #EFACon.
“We have to design the light and design the darkness.” Michael David White EDAC, LC, LEED AP, Senior Lighting Designer, Schuler Shook
“If it’s a choice between health and energy, health should win.”Michael David White EDAC, LC, LEED AP, Senior Lighting Designer, Schuler Shook
“Age-qualified housing is the only form of legal discrimination in housing.” Margaret Wylde, President & CEO, ProMatura Group
On designing discreet hospice road access ways: “In the end, all the patients leave in a hearse. We had to think about the sensitivity of that.” Robert (Skip) Yauger, AIA, LEED AP, NCARB, Principal, Gresham Smith and Partners
“Eight out of 10 baby boomers want to stay in their homes during their retirement years.” Nancy McPherson, state director, AARP of Louisiana
“30 percent of Medicare costs are spent in last year of life, and half of that is spent in the last 30 days. People call that ‘the cost of coma.’” Susan Ponder-Stansel, President & CEO, Community Hospice of Northeast Florida
“Don’t design your senior center as a ‘facility;’ design it as a gateway for the community.” Rod Vickroy, Associate IIDA, RID, LEED AP, Health and Wellness Practice Area Leader, Gensler
“As some like to say, LGBT independent living is the same as any other independent living, only more fabulous.” Michael Hanley, AIA, LEED AP, Associate, Gensler
On the role of peace spaces in hospice settings: “Our staff use the Tranquility Garden more than the visitors and patients.” Penny Houchens, IIDA, LEED AP, Senior Interior Designer, Gresham Smith and Partners
“Dementia will be the next big diagnosis coming into hospice.” Susan Ponder-Stansel, President & CEO, Community Hospice of Northeast Florida
“It isn't our age or abilities that make us who we are. It's our spirit.” Margaret Wylde, President & CEO, ProMatura Group
Loved EFA 2013? Or, missed it and wish you hadn’t? Join us for EFA 2014 May 3-6, 2014 in Anaheim! Details to come on www.environmentsforaging.com!

Pamela Tabar was editor-in-chief of I Advance Senior Care from 2013-2018. She has worked as a writer and editor for healthcare business media since 1998, including as News Editor of Healthcare Informatics. She has a master’s degree in journalism from Kent State University and a master’s degree in English from the University of York, England.
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