HealthcareSource adds online recruitment tools

HealthcareSource has partnered with Lean Human Capital (LHC) to sell LHC's services directly to  long-term care organizations and the greater healthcare market.

Under the agreement, HealthcareSource will market LHC's personnel recruitment optimization tools and services, including:

  • Recruiter Academy, a web-based training and certification program
  • RECRUITx, an analytical service that measures current recruitment strategies and performance that can then be measured against industry averages and top-performing organizations, and
  • TALENTx, a consulting engagement solution that allows healthcare organizations to dig deeper into their recruitment practices with a focus on improving customer satisfaction while getting the best return on investment with each new hire.

"HealthcareSource has always been dedicated to providing software that supports healthcare organizations' needs to attract and retain the best talent," said Michael DiPietro, chief marketing officer at HealthcareSource, in a press release. "With the addition of Lean Human Capital's Recruitment Optimization Services, we can deliver even greater value to our customers by helping them optimize what’s already working well in and identifying areas for improvement their recruitment process."


Topics: Staffing