Fountains in long-term care

Fountains are beautiful, calming, and unique when placed in the interior environment. Here are some key factors to ensure a successful fountain installation goes as planned:

1. Make sure the water is filtered to avoid calcium build up or other minerals that can clog and stain.

2. Have a large overspray zone that is protected by stone, greenery, etc., so that overspray does not fall onto a surface making it slippery where a resident, visitor, or staff member could slip and fall.


Example of a gorgeous wall fountain setup in a healthcare facility.

If cushions are in the vicinity, use fabrics that are bleach resistant. Although bleach is not supposed to be used in a fountain in long-term care, it gets used anyways and will create bleach dots from overspray that is difficult to see until the cushions are ruined.


4. Provide enough distance to keep children off the fountain.

5. Use copper pipes if possible or add pennies to the fountain. This helps the water stay clean without the use of excessive chemicals.

6. Make sure the fountain is plumbed to be self-filling. It avoids the pump being burned out when the water well is dry. The fountain then becomes less of a maintenance issue for staff to take care of on a daily basis.

7. Place the fountain where it will get the biggest visual “bang.”

8. Avoid fountains where incontinence is an issue.

9. Make sure you have electricity directly to the fountain. Extension cords are never acceptable.

10. Ensure staff knows how to maintain the fountain.

Fountains come in all shapes, sizes, and styles and can be used as wayfinding or signage. They are a wonderful element to any interior when executed well.

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