Facility-visiting psychologists

Over the years, counseling and psychotherapy have been available at this facility. I wondered if patients in semi-private rooms were allowed enough privacy during their sessions. Though residents with dementia might not notice the lack of privacy, other residents certainly would. I would think they would prefer seeing a counselor or psychotherapist without their roommate present.

Counselors and psychologists walk throughout the facility chatting here and there with residents. I usually wonder if each resident they speak with is a patient. I can imagine that some are former patients or that the counselor or psychologist is just being friendly. But I wish there were a private place for the psychologist to see the patients who can come to him/her.

I know in a rehabilitation setting it is not uncommon to see a psychologist in your room. But those sessions are usually quite private. Since counseling and psychotherapy provide a way for residents to talk about their deepest feelings, I do not know if a resident would feel comfortable discussing them with other residents, staff, and visitors within earshot.

Residents have little control over their sessions. Appointments are not made. The psychologist usually visits the facility on the same day each week. But if there is a change, and the counselor or psychologist does not visit on the scheduled day, residents usually do not know anything about it.

Those residents who can understand should be told how long their counseling or psychotherapy sessions will be each week and how many they can have before their insurance stops paying. Residents also need to know when their weekly sessions will be shortened. Then, they will not feel the therapist no longer has enough time for them. Also, it would be preferable if sessions were phased out rather than ended abruptly.

Finally, residents need some sort of choice of a psychotherapist. Then, if a resident does not feel comfortable with the visiting therapist, there is another option.

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