Erickson community holds summit for its senior techies
The Greenspring Technology Summit. |
Today, nearly half of all seniors over 65 are on social media. Tablet PCs and Internet-based reading devices continue to gain popularity for the over 55 population. Thought it wouldn’t happen, huh? Guess grandma and grandpa don’t want you to think that television, electric typewriters and Polaroid cameras are the endpoints of their experience. For seniors, there are still horizons to explore.
To keep its seniors connected, Greenspring, a full-service retirement community in Springfield, Va., held a Technology Summit earlier this month. One of Erickson Living’s 16 communities, Greenspring offered presentations to more than 100 attendees on its existing services and the new tools available at the facility.
Among the presenters was Andy Carle, the founding director of the Senior Housing Administration program at George Mason University, who shared innovative senior-friendly technology with the audience. Exciting technological advances featured were balance-correcting shoe inserts and a remarkable shirt that monitors and reports on the wearer’s vital signs. The new gadgets and future tech trends discussed caught the imagination of the attendees.
Greenspring presenters touched almost every topic of senior interest. In addition to e-readers and tablet computing, attendees also were introduced to a Web-based nutritional tool—My Nutrition—that an individual carries to see the nutritional values of the meals served at the dining venues throughout the Greenspring campus. Other presentations included how and why to Skype or use Facebook. A Fairfax County government representative provided residents with important information on how to recognize and safeguard against identity theft.
From digital decorating to learning how to read, hobby and exercise using technology as a partner, the Greenspring Technology Summit encouraged seniors to keep exploring the digital wonders of the 21st century.

Sandra Hoban was on I Advance Senior Care / Long-Term Living’s editorial staff for 17 years. She is one of the country’s longest-serving senior care journalists. Before joining Long-Term Living, she was a member of the promotions department at Advanstar Communications. In addition to her editorial experience, Sandi has served past roles in print and broadcast advertising as a traffic and talent coordinator.
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