Encouraging independence in assisted living
Assisted living offers seniors the promise of a living situation that helps them maintain independence in and control over their lives, while also providing the care and support they require as they get older. However, living up to that promise is often a challenge for assisted living management and staff. It can also be a challenge for the seniors themselves, who sometimes are not aware of their options and rights, or may feel that they must accept an unnecessarily restrictive living environment. A three-year study of assisted living in New York State, conducted by the Long Term Care Community Coalition (LTCCC) and the Coalition of Institutionalized Aged and Disabled (CIAD), found a significant gap between what residents want and the level of independence they were given. Such a gap is understandable, since assisted living providers have the dual obligation of providing a good lifestyle while helping people to live safely. Assisted living managers and staff may have concerns about how residents' chosen activities may affect their safety-for instance, what if a resident with poor eyesight wants to walk unassisted? Or how about the resident with poor health who smokes? Other challenges arise: Family members may feel that they are entitled to make lifestyle decisions for their relatives. Also, regulatory and liability concerns may appear to restrict options for resident choice. And staff may be concerned that managing different lifestyle choices for each resident will make their jobs more difficult or time-consuming. In response to the study findings about the disparity between residents' desires and reality, we worked with the assisted living industry to review the obstacles to closing this gap. Importance of Maintaining Independence and Control Next, we suggest conducting a thorough review of the choices that residents have and don't have. Compare them with the choices managers and staff have made in their own lives to help staff understand the importance of personal choice. Can residents decide when to wake up and when to go to bed? Can they have a pet? Can they choose when to eat and with whom, or to go somewhere whenever they want to? Determine what stands between resident choice of this type and institutional control. Routines and rules may exist only because they make operations easier for staff. Staff accustomed to this regimen may not know how to encourage resident decision making. Corporate rules, such as those requiring uniform furnishings or weekly menus, may further limit autonomy. Addressing Rules and Restrictions Examine your facility's physical layout with the committee, and consider changes that might enhance independence. For example, handrails and better lighting outside the residence may encourage walks around the grounds. Chairs placed in the hallway may make it possible for residents to rest as they walk a long corridor, thus encouraging ambulation and delaying wheelchair use. Staff Training Taking Appropriate Risks Begin by making a list of things residents want to do that you consider unsafe: perhaps shopping alone, smoking, or being outside in poor weather. Then, analyze the potential risks of the activity. Develop a process, and document it, for evaluating the risks that residents want to take; you can also document residents' willingness to accept these risks. It is important to consider whether the apparent danger is real or simply an excuse for avoiding staff inconvenience. You may realize that some things we assume to be unsafe actually carry little risk of harm, and may only require some assistance and oversight to make them safer. Again, staff training is essential to permitting appropriate risk taking. Involving residents in the training may help staff understand that the need to feel in control does not diminish with age. Incorporate discussion about risk taking at individual service plan meetings, and document all actions taken. The Role of Families We recommend developing a process for educating families along these lines, rather than attempting to resolve these conflicts on a case-by-case basis. As part of this education, explain the process you have developed for evaluating risk and for reducing the potential for negative consequences. Set up a series of meetings for families and friends to discuss the importance of resident choice and control, and invite social workers and psychologists, as well as the resident council, to give presentations on the importance of control to residents' psychological and physical health. The Promise of Assisted Living Geoff Lieberman is Executive Director of the Coalition of Institutionalized Aged and Disabled, and Cynthia Rudder, PhD, is Executive Director of the Long Term Care Community Coalition. For further information, phone (212) 385-0355 or visit www.ltccc.org. To send your comments to the authors and editors, e-mail lieberman0406@nursinghomesmagazine.com. |
Informational guides available Two guides for assisted living managers and direct care staff offer ideas and advice on common situations that can dramatically affect residents' perceptions of their living situation. The Guide For Assisted Living Managers helps managers make their management vision a reality by providing practical tips and case studies that help staff meet residents' needs and overcome typical obstacles. The Guide For Assisted Living Direct Care Staff is a unique resource that recognizes that staff members know the residents the best and can implement changes to create the most satisfying environment for residents. This simply written guide presents case studies from other caregivers and provides easy-to-locate tips on a range of topics. The guides are based on research performed by LTCCC and CIAD, were reviewed by a professional advisory board, and were pilot-tested in diverse communities across the nation. Both can be downloaded for free at www.assisted-living411.org. |

I Advance Senior Care is the industry-leading source for practical, in-depth, business-building, and resident care information for owners, executives, administrators, and directors of nursing at assisted living communities, skilled nursing facilities, post-acute facilities, and continuing care retirement communities. The I Advance Senior Care editorial team and industry experts provide market analysis, strategic direction, policy commentary, clinical best-practices, business management, and technology breakthroughs.
I Advance Senior Care is part of the Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care and published by Plain-English Health Care.
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