Long-Term Living is now I Advance Senior Care!
Happy 2017!
Our new name is now in place:
Long-Term Living is now I Advance Senior Care!
Now that we’ve joined with our Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care (IASC), our expanded team is excited to bring you more tools-based articles, unprecedented access to expert insights and industry developments, and regional events with peers in 2017! Editors Pamela Tabar and Nicole Stempak will continue to bring you everything you’ve loved about Long-Term Living over the years, but with the addition of NEW opportunities to meet and network with peers on the latest strategies for senior care, the breaking-edge research on dementia care and the emerging best practices all senior care clinicians need.
(Did you miss our Dec. name-change announcement? To read more about our new name and our transition, read Pamela’s Dec. blog, “Ready, set… Grow!“)
You’ll notice that our website URL has automatically changed from “www.iadvanceseniorcare.com” to “www.iadvanceseniorcare.com.” We’re still tweaking our new website to make it easier to read and navigate, so please bear with us.
You’ll see that our three top articles are still listed at the top of the website, but we’ve added more reader choices to our general story lists below: You’ll now see four separate story lists, one that’s admin-centric, one that’s clincial-centric, one that’s memory care-centric, and one for all the other interesting stuff that’s going on across the Web.
Everthing else you’d like to access can be found by clicking on the “hamburger icon” in the upper left corner–that’s the icon with the three horizontal lines.
If you subscribe to any of our topical newsletters, you don’t need to do anything: Your newsletters will continue to arrive as usual, but with our new name in the subject header.
We wish you all the best in 2017, and we hope you’ll enjoy our expanded slate of in-depth articles, administrative strategies, educational oppportunities and advocacy toward building a BETTER, SMARTER senior care industry!
–Pamela Tabar and Nicole Stempak, Editors

Pamela Tabar was editor-in-chief of I Advance Senior Care from 2013-2018. She has worked as a writer and editor for healthcare business media since 1998, including as News Editor of Healthcare Informatics. She has a master’s degree in journalism from Kent State University and a master’s degree in English from the University of York, England.
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