Connecting seniors and children through technology

A Canadian program is helping to bridge the digital and generational divide.

Connecting Generations Through Technology brings students and seniors together to learn from each other and new forms of technology. The program is offered by Halton Industry Education Council (HIEC), a nonprofit organization that provides programming and services to help children discover and pursue their career passions.

“This program bridges the generation gap between elementary school students and local seniors—a critical part of building a healthy and strong community,” said HIEC program instructor Sara Barber to Inside Halton. “It also provides seniors with the opportunity to network and be part of the social fabric of their community.”

The organization recently threw a celebration for Grade 6 students from St. Benedict Elementary School and Place Retirement Community in Milton, Ontario, Canada. Students asked 28 seniors to share their stories and life experiences. Students created PowerPoint presentations, animated videos and a comic strip to share the seniors’ stories, which were shown at the celebration.

Senior Jim Harper couldn’t attend but wrote a note to the students saying the program renewed his faith in young people and was a great way to connect with them. He was thankful he could participate.

Connecting Generations through Technology is funded through a partnership with the Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat and funding from the Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade. 

Topics: Activities , Technology & IT