Congratulations to a ‘pearl’ of a provider
Other than growing old, it’s not easy to do anything for 30 consecutive years—and do it successfully. Well, on December 5, one of assisted living’s premier providers, Sunrise Senior Living, will celebrate such an achievement on its 30th (pearl) Anniversary. Nearly 300 Sunrise communities across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom will hold events, tours and parties for its residents, families and staff.
In 1981, co-founders Paul and Terry Klaassen converted an old nursing home in Oakton, Va., into an assisted living community that became the foundation for Sunrise Senior Living. “Thirty years ago, the available long-term care options for seniors were limited and institutional,” Paul Klaassen recently said in a statement celebrating Sunrise’s achievement. The Klaassens lived at that facility and cared for the residents themselves. From this firsthand, hands-on experience, they envisioned building a new model of long-term care that felt like home but provided all the services and care that residents might need.
Terry Klaassen adds, “Living with the residents in the first Sunrise 30 years ago was the most powerful thing I have ever done.” Over the years, programs and services have grown to meet the needs of an aging population. The Sunrise Signature Experience is one of those programs, providing residents with a consistent team of specially trained caregivers capable of forming relationships.
The Sunrise website’s 30th Anniversary page offers reminiscences, kudos and congratulations from residents, families and staff—as well as special $30 discounts on Sunrise services.
Happy 30th Anniversary to Sunrise Senior Living and best wishes for continued success.
2012 National Nursing Home Week announced
The American Health Care Association (AHCA) announced on Tuesday its theme for next year’s National Nursing Home Week: “Celebrating the Journey.” The week is to be observed May 13 (Mother’s Day) through May 19, 2012, and it will recognize LTC residents “who live life to the fullest and the dedicated staff who care for them,” according to AHCA’s announcement. “Activities are designed to foster intergenerational contact, strengthen family relationships and to encourage volunteerism by individuals and local organizations.” Click here for more information.

Sandra Hoban was on I Advance Senior Care / Long-Term Living’s editorial staff for 17 years. She is one of the country’s longest-serving senior care journalists. Before joining Long-Term Living, she was a member of the promotions department at Advanstar Communications. In addition to her editorial experience, Sandi has served past roles in print and broadcast advertising as a traffic and talent coordinator.
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