
2016 OPTIMA Award: An honored memory

What happens when dementia and post-traumatic stress intersect in the nursing home environment? The winner of the 2016 Long-Term Living OPTIMA Award has spent three years developing a program to train caregivers how to interact with veterans—and how to document their positive and negative behavioral interventions to increase everyone’s ability to provide better person-centered care.   Read More »

Behavioral intervention for veterans: Words that work

Managing behaviors in residents with dementia can be a challenge for caregivers. Veteran residents have special needs and behaviors that can stem from wartime flashbacks, post-traumatic stress and other circumstances. The 2016 OPTIMA Award winner, the Texas Land Board State Veterans Homes, offers suggestions on successful verbal interventions for veteran residents.  Read More »

Augmented reality offers new view of neurodegenerative diseases

Researchers are using on-the-market augmented reality (AR) technology to study how people with and without multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases respond to changes in movement in an effort to help diagnose and rehabilitate people. Read More »

Gut bacteria could be linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s diseases

The potential role of microbiota in neurodegenerative diseases could help scientists with new research and treatment plans.  Read More »

Women perform differently than men on verbal memory tests

With assessment tests that check for early signs Alzheimer’s, gender may influence the score more than previously thought—and physicians may be missing early symptoms because of it. Read More »

FDA: Research should focus on earlier Alzheimer stages

Clinical trials, more accurate diagnoses and new drug research are all part of extending quality of life for those with dementia. Read More »

The lost generations

Honoring those who have served soon will take on a new meaning as a new generation of veterans enters the long-term care system and nursing homes become a battleground for post-traumatic stress and dementia. Read More »

How does your memory care facility rank?

Memory care thought leaders gathered in at the Memory Care Forum to discuss the state of the industry and look ahead at what’s to come.  Read More »

The nurse practitioner’s role in SNF dementia care

Primary care clinicians are the top care providers overall for those with dementia, but nurse practitioners are providing increasing amounts of predominant care for those living in a long-term care facility. Read More »

Deciphering SNAP: The other kind of dementia

Two independent studies say SNAP doesn’t lead to Alzheimer’s disease, but scientists still aren’t sure how it develops. Read More »

More families say no to feeding tubes for advanced dementia

Increasing awareness about the stages of advanced dementia can help families make more informed decisions on tube feeding. Read More »

Some Alzheimer’s cases are better off on drugs, study says

In the past few years, most nursing homes have been reducing the use of antipsychotic drugs in favor of non-pharmacological interventions. But some people with certain Alzheimer's symptoms have a much high risk of relapse if drugs are withdrawn. Read More »

An app to help persons with dementia remember

Twelve-year-old Emma Yang is developing an app that will help families stay in touch with loved ones with dementia. It will also help those with dementia remember who their loved ones are through facial recognition detection.  Read More »

History of stroke associated with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease

An analysis of two longitudinal studies has found a history of stroke was associated with a two-fold risk for both familial and sporadic forms of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD).  Read More »

Brookdale makes space for early Alzheimer’s residents

The nation’s largest long-term care provider is expanding the continuum of care to offer a transitional space for residents with mild dementia who need more than assisted living but aren’t ready for memory care.  Read More »

Illinois signs bill for dementia care regulations

The state is the latest to mandate certification for facilities that provide care services for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Read More »

Ethnicity and aging: Latina es mejor!

Latinos have higher rates of diabetes and other illnesses—so why do they age slower than other ethnicities? Read More »

Dementia-friendly dining

Industry innovators are pushing the meal ticket far beyond fish sticks and apple slices. Read More »

Brush Development launches first U.S. Association Montessori Internationale dementia training center

The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) approach to dementia care focuses on individual approaches to connection, confidence, interaction and tasks. Read More »

Dementia and Down Syndrome: Time for new protocols?

People with Down Syndrome are living longer than ever, well into their senior years. The bad news is, about half of them will develop some kind of dementia. Read More »

Can personality predict dementia risk?

Scientists are taking a closer look at the relationship between certain personality traits and the risk of cognitive decline. Read More »

Calif. sets the pace for POLST

A whopping 50 percent of the state’s nursing home residents are using POLST forms to document their decisions on life-sustaining treatment, according to a new study. Read More »

Researchers examine role of ‘junk proteins’ in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

When proteins go awry, the body's ability to get rid of the "junk" can play a serious factor in the development of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, scientists say. Read More »

Some Calif. ALFs swap antipsychotics for medical cannabis

Some assisted living communities in California are trying medical marijuana as a substitute for antipsychotic medications in treating extreme behaviors in those with dementia. Read More »

Are you sure it’s Alzheimer’s?

About 20 percent of Alzheimer's diagnoses could be incorrect, say two new studies. Read More »

HCR ManorCare launches lewy body dementia pilot program

 Long-term care owner and operator HCR ManorCare has partnered with the Lewy Body Dementia Association to offer support and education on Lewy body dementia.  Read More »

Hospital care transitions are key for those with Alzheimer’s or other dementias

Going to the hospital can be confusing for those with dementia, complicate their clinical symptoms and even make their dementia worse. Some hospitals may be better prepared and trained in dementia care than others, says a panel of care transition experts. Read More »

Study finds link between brain injury and Parkinson’s but not Alzheimer’s

Researchers did not see a relationship between people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and late-onset Alzheimer's disease in one of the largest studies of TBI to date, signaling the need for more brain research. Read More »