
Antipsychotics increase mortality risk among people with dementia

Researchers found another reason for trying nonpharmacological interventions to calm agitated people with dementia.  Read More »

AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly partner for dementia drug

Big pharma teams up to test a new drug that could slow progress of Alzheimer’s disease. Read More »

Dressing residents with dignity

A New York woman has started a collection to help area residents get new or gently used clothes, a simple gesture that reminds us dressing is more than a matter of appearances. Read More »

MIND your diet

Can your diet delay the onset of dementia? Researchers are finding that what you eat can be a key part of a brain-healthy lifestyle. Read More »

A year of memory care

Long-Term Living editors take stock of a year filled with advancements, setbacks and kittens in memory care news.  Read More »

Remembering Christmas traditions

The holiday season is filled with memories, which can be an entryway to connect with people with dementia. Read More »

Untangling Alzheimer’s research

Why is dementia research so challenging? Editors from the journal of the Alzheimer’s Association explain how far the research community has come—and how far it still has to go. Read More »

Santa forgets Christmas in new Alzheimer’s ad

The make believe story of how Santa forgets Christmas is part of a new ad campaign to highlight the magic--and importance--of dementia research this holiday season.  Read More »

What residents with Alzheimer’s really want for the holidays

How do you visit and converse with someone who doesn’t quite recall who you are? Here are 12 tips for encouraging healthy, happy holiday visits for those who have dementia. Read More »

Hope for Alzheimer’s research

Senior Editor Nicole Stempak is optimistic about drug treatments and a cure for Alzheimer’s disease despite Eli Lilly’s solanezumab Phase 3 clinical drug trial failure.  Read More »

Eli Lilly raises white flag on dementia drug trial

Plenty of hopes had been pinned on the experimental drug, but its disappointing trial results may lead the scientific community to rethink the approach to Alzheimer’s disease treatments. Read More »

Making friends is child’s play

An Australian kindergarten has arranged play dates for children and residents at a nearby nursing home, many of whom have dementia. Read More »

Detecting dementia in the blink of an eye

Is there a way to detect oncoming dementia at an earlier stage? Researchers at the University of Texas think the eyes have it. Read More »

Dementia leading cause of death in United Kingdom

Deaths attributed to memory loss continue to increase, representing 11.6 percent of all recorded deaths in 2015 in the United Kingdom, surpassing heart disease.  Read More »

Dementia and kittens

An Arizona memory care facility and animal shelter have partnered to care for orphaned kittens. And yes, there are photos.  Read More »

25% of seniors don’t talk about end-of-life care, says UC study

Nobody like to talk about death. But not talking about it now could diminish your chances of having your end-of-life wishes known later, notes a study in JAMA. Read More »

Atria Senior Living inspires curiosity through journaling

Need a good read? This senior living chain thinks the most interesting story this year just might be your own. Read More »

Voting with dementia

Having dementia doesn’t legally bar people from voting, and there’s no voting assessment to determine mental capacity. The decision of whether to cast a ballot is based on their ability to choose—and shouldn’t be made for them. Read More »

Memory care facility for people with Down syndrome opening in 2017

A first-of-its-kind memory care facility is designed specifically for people with developmental disabilities. At least one of every two people with Down syndrome will develop some type of dementia as they age.  Read More »

Reconnecting families through Sweet Melodies

Can music connect an old memory to a new one? Virginia's Commonwealth Senior Living created a music program to bring families together with residents with dementia. Read More »

‘Brain pacemaker’ stimulates memory

Researchers from Canada and the United States have teamed up on phase II clinical trials for an implantable electrode designed to energize the brain’s memory circuit and perhaps slow cognitive decline. Read More »

Sanjay Gupta on longevity

What's the secret to a long and healthy life? CNN's Chief Medical Officer Sanjay Gupta speaks on health, wellness and longevity at this week's LeadingAge Annual Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. Read More »

Training for dementia-friendly communication

The didactic approach to training doesn’t work for everyone, and those who serve residents with dementia say staff training is a lot more than words. Read More »

The psychology of rehab

Fretting about CJR and rehab outcomes? Here’s why one of the best additions to your rehabilitation service line might be a psychologist. Read More »

Gamification of dementia research

Scientists at Cornell University have created a game for nonscientists to play that will help researchers understand blood stalls and further understanding of memory loss. Read More »

Antipsychotics raise risk of pneumonia in residents with Alzheimer’s

Residents with Alzheimer's disease who are taking antipsychotic medications should be watched closely for pneumonia, especially during flu season. Read More »

Pat Summitt clinic designed for dementia

The new Alzheimer’s clinic, named for the Lady Vols Head Coach, sports dementia-friendly design. Read More »

Celebrity headshots jog memories in people with dementia

A collection of 1940s film stars on exhibit at a Colorado memory care facility are helping draw out residents and their memories. Read More »

2016 OPTIMA Award: The complete coverage

What happens when dementia and post-traumatic stress intersect in the nursing home environment? The winner of the 2016 Long-Term Living OPTIMA Award has spent three years developing a program to train caregivers how to interact with veterans—and how to document their positive and negative behavioral interventions to increase everyone’s ability to provide better person-centered care. Read More »

Saluting service

Special activities for veteran residents can help them combat isolation and cope with memories of the war experience, especially those with post-traumatic stress.  Read More »