
Hot cocoa may benefit memory, but blood glucose an issue, too

One study finds that regularly drinking hot chocolate may improve memory and thinking, while other research ties higher blood glucose levels to higher dementia risk. So should you encourage seniors to start sipping or wait for more research? Read More »

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s appear not to share genetic risk

Researchers try to pinpoint another possible connection between Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases as one study’s results seem to refute one idea. Read More »

Anemia, dementia associated, researchers find

Investigators are theorizing why anemia and dementia might be linked as results from the Health ABC Study are published. Read More »

TV show focuses on elder abuse

Elder abuse can take many forms. A network talk show recently covered the subject in an effort to educate and inform the public of the need for vigilance and oversight. Read More »

Alzheimer’s, dental health links grow with new research

Good oral hygiene may be especially important in patients at risk for developing dementia, new research suggests. Read More »

PBS’ Frontline slams assisted living; communities cry foul

Updated 3:30 p.m.   Last night’s PBS documentary on assisted living has enraged many, both because of what it revealed and what it didn’t reveal. Read More »

New TeamSTEPPS program tackles safety & communication issues in LTC

Health professionals in Connecticut adapt the TeamSTEPPS safety training program specifically for long-term care settings. Read More »

A resident’s multiple facility moves

Transferring a resident from one facility to another can be a confusing, disheartening event, especially for an individual with dementia. Read More »

Alzheimer’s research gets boost from genetic database

A new database of whole genome sequences aims to help scientists working to diagnose, treat, prevent and cure Alzheimer’s disease. Read More »

Medical students mentored by people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease

First-year medical students “buddy” up with people with Alzheimer’s disease for a one-on-one learning experience, using a program developed by the Northwestern University Alzheimer’s Disease Center. Read More »

2013 Women’s Choice Award of America’s Best Nursing Homes announced

WomenCertified® honors the nation’s top nursing homes as scored based on CMS’s Five-Star rating system and the preferences and priorities of women. Read More »

And the 2013 OPTIMA Award goes to…

The judges have finished their tallies and the results are in: A groundbreaking program in dementia care is the winner of this year’s OPTIMA award. Find out who won and stay tuned for our continuing coverage of their program! Read More »

Ohio taxpayers carry displaced seniors in Northern Kentucky

Because of the state’s shortage of nursing homes, seniors in Northern Kentucky are moving across the Ohio River to facilities in southwest Ohio. And Ohio taxpayers are footing more than half the bill for many of these displaced Kentucky Medicaid residents. Read More »

Reshaping the design and delivery of dementia care

Long-term care communities learn to orient themselves to each resident's reality to create life-affirming activities, eliminating the one-siz-fits-all group therapy concept. Read More »

Certain GI infections alter effects of Parkinson’s medication

A common gut bacterium can interfere with the way motor-controlling drugs work in those with Parkinson’s disease. Read More »

Read this: Books can beat dementia

Thoughtful activities such as reading, writing and engaging in mind-stimulating activities provide more than a distraction from everyday life. An engaged mind can defend against dementia. Read More »

CMS limits Medicare coverage of exorbitant brain test to specific cases

There’s a brand-new imaging test available to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, but it’s so expensive that CMS is limiting the Medicare coverage of the test to two circumstances. Read More »

‘Spy-cams’ in Ohio nursing homes unearth abuse, yet raise legal questions

Next time you think your loved one is being neglected or abused in a nursing home, you might not be the only one watching. Read More »

Overuse of diuretics is common and risky for elderly

Diuretics are common components in many medications used for hypertension, heart failure and renal disease. But overuse of diuretics can worsen the conditions they are meant to treat, warns a new study in JAMDA. Read More »

Thousands dance, run and craft their way through ‘The Longest Day’ for Alzheimer’s awareness

Go-Karts for 16 hours? For some participants in ‘The Longest Day Alzheimer’s fund raiser, that was the marathon activity of choice. Read More »

HHS updates national Alzheimer’s plan, adds initiatives on dementia’s impact on families

The 2013 update to the national action plan on dementia has added a gamut of initiatives to the plan, including new treatment guidelines, increased access to services and better education on the disease’s impacts on families and the healthcare system. Read More »

Study: Best SNF care teams involve primary care physicians and pharmacists

Putting pharmacists and primary care physicians on care teams can improve outcomes for long-stay residents in skilled nursing, according to a recent review of research from around the world. Read More »

Tracking residents the Hogwarts way

Scientists take a page from the Harry Potter series to develop a resident locating system to track nursing home residents in an effort to improve care. Read More »

Texas fertilizer plant blast takes its toll on SNF residents

The Texas nursing home’s evacuation plan was executed, residents were removed from harm’s way, but the facility experienced a spike in resident deaths. Why? Read More »

New online intervention tools will grapple with impact of dementia on Hispanics

Researchers at Columbia University School of Nursing are developing a new system of online tools to address the unique issues of dementia care within the Hispanic community. Read More »

ConnectedLiving launches new learning center for seniors

Resident empowerment goes back to school as one company adds an online "university" of content and tools to engage seniors in learning about health topics. Read More »

The changing face of assisted living

As the American populations continues to age, assisted living looks at a new  role of providing housing care to higher acuity residents and those with Alzheimer’s or other dementias. Read More »

Senate revisits Positive Aging Act

A bipartisan Senate bill hopes to bring senior mental health services back to the Congressional fore. Read More »

Occupational therapy’s role in LTC

Conducting targeted in-services helps staff understand the goals and benefits of occupational therapy for residents in a facility setting. Read More »

Skilled nursing: The continuing quest for quality

While quality and satisfaction scores have improved, skilled nursing facilities need to continue to improve and adapt to government policy and reimbursement cuts to survive. Read More »