
Glen Campbell moves to Alzheimer’s facility

Country singer Glen Campbell moves into a memory care facility as a documentary about his life with Alzheimer's disease is about to debut. Read More »

Stripper in nursing home prompts lawsuit

A nursing home approved its residents' committee's request for a male stripper visit, and now the family of one resident is suing, saying she was harmed by what she saw. Read More »

To screen or not to screen—Cognition assessments under fire

Screening for possible dementia is always a good idea, right? Maybe not, according to a new report from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, which calls some early screening tests and their efficacy into question. Read More »

Online dementia program available

More than 10,000 people already have registered to take a free, nine-week online course about cognitive impairment. Read More »

12 steps to QAPI: Step 4: Guiding principles

In Step 4 of the continuing series on QAPI, Nell Griffin, LPN, EdM, discusses the importance of a nursing home establishing its sense of self and communicating that image to all staff. Read More »

What’s in a name?

What if a ton of long-term care death certificates are attributed to the wrong cause? One study says it may be true. Read More »

Healthful midlife diet may prevent dementia later

Here's something for senior living communities to keep in mind when devising menus or suggesting food choices for residents: A healthful diet in midlife may prevent dementia later on, according new research. Read More »

Remember other dementias, group says

Brain Awareness Week is an ideal time to learn more about Parkinson's disease dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies, according to the Lewy Body Dementia Association. Read More »

Chemical restraint replaces physical restraint in SNFs

Public reporting of the use of physical restraints has led to the increased use of antipsychotic medications in nursing home residents whose cognition is severely impaired, according to new research. Read More »

Alzheimer’s blood test could be ready in 2 years, researchers say

Trials of a blood test that can predict the onset of Alzheimer's disease may begin in two years, researchers say, heralding the chance to diagnose the disease earlier, when therapy would be more effective at slowing or preventing symptom onset. Read More »

Alzheimer’s disease causes more deaths than previously thought

Alzheimer's disease may be an underlying cause of five to six times as many deaths as currently reported, according to new research. In fact, the disease may be one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Read More »

One-on-one with… Sandra Stimson

Government bodies are instituting new standards as they recognize the importance of special training in the area of dementia. In this environment, Sandra Stimson, executive director of the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners and the International Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners, recently took time to answer some questions about the organizations and their programs. Read More »

5 tests or treatments to consider carefully in seniors

Dementia, cancer, anorexia, cachexia, delirium and polypharmacy all figure into new recommendations from the American Geriatrics Society issued as part of the Choosing Wisely initiative. Read More »

National trial to study the link between insulin and memory

Can an insulin nasal spray alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer's or other minor cognitive disorders? A national trial study is recruiting patients with Alzheimer's to find out. Read More »

Dementia training provider adds ADL module

A national dementia education provider launches a 10-part training series for caregivers on approaching the activities of daily living. Read More »

Big Data techniques provide insights into aging brains

Big Data techniques are providing insights into the human brain and how it functions as we age. Results of a recent study in Germany may cause you to look at residents in a new way. Read More »

Death toll continues to climb in Canadian nursing home fire

A nursing home blaze leaves five people dead and more than 30 others missing. A search for the missing continues. Read More »

Caffeine, mental exercise benefit brain

Mental exercises and a common stimulant found in food and beverages can benefit brain function, according to two recent studies. Read more in this article—and see the accompanying video, too. Read More »

LeadingAge, EMA to present 3 awards for leadership in dementia

LeadingAge and EMA will present three awards in March for “exceptional leadership in the quest to improve the lives of those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias." Read More »

Fall risk in those with dementia reduced by high-intensity rehab: study

A high-intensity exercise program shows promise for significantly reducing the risk of falls in people with dementia by improving their basic motor functions. Read More »

Dementia quality measures available

You can download the Dementia Work Group’s proposed quality measures for improving outcomes for people with dementia at no charge. Read More »

Findings from OSU’s Alzheimer’s self-test released

Worried about Alzheimer’s? A new self-administered test can help clinicians assess risk. Read More »

Mexican-Americans could see cognitive impairment 10 years before others: study

Mild cognitive impairment could begin up to a decade earlier in Mexican-Americans than in non-Hispanic people, according to new research. Read More »

High-dose vitamin E benefits those with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers: study

The amount of assistance needed by those with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease is reduced by about two hours per day when they take vitamin E, according to the results of a recent study, which found other advantages as well. Read More »

Federal BRAIN project seeks new tools, technologies

The National Institutes of Health offers funding opportunities for developing new tools and technologies that can help study the brain and improve the understanding of neurologic illnesses.  Read More »

2013: Year of the long-term care TV show?

A look back at 2013 reveals at least three small-screen efforts highlighting long-term care. Read More »

Memory visits

How do you categorize holiday memories? Visiting with those with dementia gives a new view. Read More »

AMDA’s program targets antipsychotic drug use for dementia

A new program developed by AMDA teaches long-term care staffers and doctors how to recognize, assess and treat symptoms of dementia while minimizing the use of antispychotic drugs. Read More »

Cognitive decline, cold sores linked

Researchers have linked the same virus that causes cold sores to cognitive decline in people of all ages. One action may help prevent ill effects on the brain, however. Read More »

Seniors with dementia benefit from exercise

Improved cognition and ability to perform activities of daily living are two benefits seniors experience when they exercise, according to a new review of 16 studies. The authors say more research is needed, however. Read More »