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‘Best U.S. Cities for Seniors’ survey yields unexpected results

Minneapolis is the best city in the United States for senior living, with Boston, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Denver rounding out the top five, according to a new survey conducted for the Bankers Life and Casualty Company Center for a Secure Retirement.

The survey, which was conducted in May, assessed areas of senior issues and gerontology to identify the qualities of “optimal” senior living. The nine major categories for review were: healthcare, economy, health and longevity, social, environment, spiritual life, housing, transportation, and crime. Each category was statistically weighted to reflect the needs of the senior population, according to Bankers Life and Casualty Company.

The top 10 cities in descending order were: Minneapolis; Boston; Pittsburgh; Cleveland; Denver; Milwaukee; San Francisco; Portland, Ore.; Kansas City, Mo.; and Newark, N.J.

“We weren’t interested in another study on where to enjoy your retirement, but instead wanted to find cities that did the best job in providing the services and support that seniors need,” said Scott Perry, president of Bankers Life and Casualty Company, in a release. “The top ranked cities aren’t what come to mind when you think about where to spend your golden years, but they scored high in the criteria most important to the 65-and-up bracket.”

Click here for the full survey results (PDF format) of the top 50 metropolitan areas best suited for senior living.

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