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AHCA/NCAL Win International Communication Award

The American Health Care Association and the National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) have been awarded the International Association of Business Communicators’ 2011 Gold Quill Award for excellence in business communication. AHCA/NCAL captured a Gold Quill Award of Merit in the Communications Management/Government Relations category for the nationwide “Driving for Quality Care” petition.

AHCA/NCAL launched Driving for Quality Care to urge President Obama, Congress and Governors to focus attention on the underfunding of America’s long-term and rehabilitative care services. Last year’s tour made 64 stops. The initiative also empowered seniors, family members and caregivers by inviting them to sign the initiative’s national petition, reach out to local legislators, recruit supporters via social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, and follow the tour’s progress on its interactive website.

Visit the Gold Quill Awards web site to see the complete list of this year’s award winners.

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