ADA Compliance: It’s More Than “Removing Barriers”
BY DON HANKS, AIA ADA compliance: It’s more than ‘removing barriers’ Complying with the Americans With Disabilities Act is a broader management challenge than you might think |
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) has been around for more than ten years; yet, there has been a recent push to enforce compliance. Why is ADA compliance important for healthcare institutions? Because entities that receive federal funds-known as Title II entities, which include skilled nursing facilities receiving Medicare and Medicaid, hospitals, colleges, universities, and state and local governments-were required by law to complete a Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan by January 26, 1992, to achieve accessibility and eliminate discriminatory practices. These plans should be monitored continuously to bring their existing and future programs into compliance. It is important not to treat them as a set of binders on the shelf. Why? The ADA law and its enforcement are complaint-driven, so Title II entities are subject to investigation at any time to resolve complaints. One of the first questions asked by investigators will be about the existence of an up-to-date Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan-and the lack of an answer is no defense. Because facilities and their programs change over time, often the required mitigation demands the creation of a new Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan. The law requires a series of steps to establish the framework for eliminating program discrimination, including: 1. Designating a responsible employee as ADA Coordinator. This individual is the center of activity between programs, facilities, and users, and is responsible for the facility’s immediate and long-range responses to program access issues. This person cannot be just another title tagged to an existing position. It should be someone who has developed knowledge of the law and is familiar with the facility’s programs, whether it be an assistant administrator, a risk manager, or someone else. 2. Providing notice of ADA requirements. After a lawsuit, the Title II entity must notify potential users of the facility of the ADA’s requirements. Typical methods are newspapers. When a Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan is completed, the public must be notified that the document and findings exist and are available for review. 3. Establishing a Grievance Policy. The entity must have a process in place that allows users to state grievances, and a method of responding to those complaints. The ADA Coordinator and the Risk Manager will lead the effort in creating this process. 4. Conducting a Self-Evaluation. Discriminatory activities can involve caregiving staff and other personnel, information dissemination practices, requirements for participation, and the facility’s physical attributes-e.g., corridors, dining spaces, communications systems-on general access. Other possible areas where discrimination can occur include meetings, picnics, seminar attendance, training sessions and educational activities, access to vendor products/services, such as food service or vending machines, and travel arrangements. 5. Creating a Transition Plan. The Transition Plan addresses architectural attributes of a facility, and is the result of the Self-Evaluation. Identifying architectural barriers is necessary and their removal is required when the program itself cannot be revised to provide accessibility. The removal of physical barriers should be the last resort, however, unless it is the most effective and efficient way to provide access. Overemphasizing Architecture Frequently, barrier removal on a department-by-department basis does not remove the barriers that contribute to discrimination. It is often simply an effort to do something without taking the time or effort to focus on the big picture. Accessibility demands a wide range of coordinated efforts on many fronts to eliminate discrimination. Steps to Compliance
The process of becoming compliant is meant to be an ongoing one that can be adjusted to coincide with the entity’s changing budgets and schedules. The “global” plan must be flexible and responsive to changes and conditions. In many cases, the revisions required cannot be anticipated until there are programmatic changes in the delivery of services and activities. The initial evaluation will provide the benchmark for mitigation. All Disabilities Must Be Covered The essential point is this: The cross-section of disabilities and the infinite variety of programs and their requirements place the weight of the law on the programmatic element. The process of Self-Evaluation for this can take as long as eight months, depending on issues such as the number of programs and the scale of the entity. While it is helpful to have someone on staff who is familiar with ADA requirements, such as an ADA Coordinator, it is important to work with a professional who understands the process and the results of ADA investigations. The Title II entity will then understand all the issues involved and be in a strong position to review the program requirements from an informed perspective. |
Don Hanks, AIA, is founding principal of BFE Architecture, PLLC. The firm provides accessible design consulting at all stages of construction planning, product development, and evaluation, as well as access surveys and reports for barrier identification and mitigation, architectural services, and training. For further information, contact To comment on this article, please send e-mail to For reprints in quantities of 100 or more, call (866) 377-6454. |

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I Advance Senior Care is part of the Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care and published by Plain-English Health Care.
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