ACHCA Finalizing 45th Annual Convocation Schedule of Events

The American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA) is making final preparations for its 45th Annual Convocation and Exposition, to be held April 29-May 3 at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans. The association is forecasting nearly 400 administrators, executives, and other leaders in long-term care to be in attendance for the show titled “Leadership Excellence: Exceeding Expectations.”

“The programming boasts a selection of fifty-six educational sessions, four certificate programs, and several social activities—all of which are included with full registration,” according to an ACHCA release. Educational sessions will focus on MDS 3.0, social media, census building, and leadership among other topics.

The keynote address, delivered by business strategist and speaker Dave Horsager, is titled “The Trust Edge: What Top Leaders Have and the 8 Pillars to Build It” and will discuss how to inspire trust within an organization to increase employee retention and revenue.

A live webcast on leadership principles is also scheduled, and attendees will have access to more than 70 product and services exhibitors.

ACHCA is accepting registrations until April 15, although onsite registration will be available during the show.

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45th Annual ACHCA Convocation and Exposition Preliminary Schedule


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