FCC to consider opening new wireless spectrum for patient monitoring

Speaking at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C. today, Julius Genachowski, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), announced that the agency will consider new rules allowing use of the wireless spectrum for Medical Body Area Network(MBAN) devices.

MBAN technology, which uses small, low-powered sensors to capture clinical information, enables monitored individuals to move around more freely without restrictions imposed by wired monitors. According to the FCC, The new spectrum allocation could provide more reliable service in high-density settings and improve patient outcomes.
Proposed access to the 2360-2400 MHzspectrum band has been a multi-industry effort intended to spur innovation. If approved, the U.S. will be the first country to allocate spectrum for the use of MBANs in hospitals, clinics, and physician offices.

Topics: Clinical