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Residents protest Medicaid cuts in Illinois budget

To show Gov. Pat Quinn and the Illinois legislature how the proposed $2.7 billion cuts in the state budget targeting Medicaid will affect seniors, The Health Care Council of Illinois (HCCI) has organized 17 “Step Up for Nursing Homes” rallies across the state.

Using a baseball theme, HCCI considers these proposed budget cuts a “strike three” against seniors. Strike one, according to HCCI’s Director of Special Programs Donna Ginther,  is Illinois’ last place standing in the national rankings for Medicaid reimbursement.

Strike two is the state of Illinois’ seven-month delinquency to its reimbursement to facilities. The state’s average daily rate for caring for a Medicaid recipient is $145, one of the lowest rates in the nation.

The state legislative sessions ends on May 31 and a final decision is expected by then.

Topics: Medicare/Medicaid