The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

LTL Online

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Do you believe a unionized workforce would benefit an LTC business?

Reader comments:

“I am starting to think that nursing homes would benefit from being unionized because we need someone to stand up for us in this business. We are so different from acute care, yet no one realizes this and they want to treat us like minihospitals!”

“I currently work as a DON in an LTC facility staffed by unionized CNAs. This is my first union experience in 29 years in the field. I spend WAY too much time handling union issues/grievances that should instead be devoted to resident care. There was always much more of a spirit of teamwork in a nonunion environment and the ability to work things out on a nonconfrontational level.”



What is art therapy?

Art therapy paints a portrait of success for residents with dementia. Art may seem an unlikely resource for recovery and rehabilitation, but its impact on those suffering from cognitive impairment disorders, such as stroke and dementia, is shown to have positive and measurable results, such as improved motor skills, memory, and creativity.

Art therapy is used in many clinical settings, especially when individuals are nonverbal or unable to communicate about traumatic experiences. This form of therapy is also the means by which people can express themselves in a nonthreatening and comfortable way.

Much ado about sex offenders

It’s controversial. Unique. Now Wes Bledsoe says a long-term care facility for registered sex offenders is one step closer to reality.

Signed into law by Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry in June, the Sex Offenders Long-Term Care Facility Bill has generated a fair amount of buzz from LTC industry practi-tioners. Although some people are outright disgusted with the idea of housing sex offenders in any facility, most feedback came in the form of puzzlement.

Long-Term Living 2008 August;57(8):6

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