Will Congress Take the Year Off?
It’s not as though the needs have gone away, it’s just that if long-term care is looking for any help from Washington with the many serious issues pressing upon it, this could be one disappointing year. Federal Medicaid funding, intergovernmental transfers (IGTs) for Medicaid funding at the state level and other state initiatives, tort reform, and long-term care financing using private insurance: These are all on Congress’s plate. The main course, though, is the 2004 general election. LTC’s issues just might go cold and eventually get dumped, until a new Congress can take them up in 2005. Reviewing the prospects for these issues one by one: Federal Medicaid Funding Long-term care lobbyists interviewed for this article seemed less than sanguine about the prospects for any turnaround this year. “An extension of that $10 billion looks to be an uphill battle,” said John Schaeffler, AHCA’s vice-president of legislative affairs, but added, “We’re working hard on this and expect to see legislation introduced to extend the add-on.” Barbara Gay, director of information for the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging’s advocacy group, agrees it will be a struggle. “With a deficit amounting to more than $500 billion, Congress is looking for ways to cut spending,” she noted. Intergovernmental Transfers All of these federal plans and programs pose serious consequences for the states. State Initiatives The much-ballyhooed “alternative” to nursing homes, home- and community-based services, may not be working as advertised, at least as a cost-saving device. A report from New Mexico, for example, noted that a “personal care option” program the state anticipated would cost about $10 million actually cost $200 million and was the state’s fastest growing Medicaid component. “The ‘personal care option’ approach is very likely to see an explosion of costs,” noted Matt Salo, the director of NGA’s Health and Human Services Committee, “because they don’t have the controls of more targeted waivers. We think home- and community-based is absolutely the way to go.” AAHSA’s Gay added, however, “Nursing homes do provide a lot of services that are not healthcare, and for home- and community-based to work, those services have to be available. But funding from the Older Americans Act, the Social Services block grant, and senior housing programs has been frozen for years.” AHCA’s Schaeffler said, “Everyone supports the concept of providing care in the most appropriate site, but people in Washington are starting to look a little deeper at home- and community-based in terms of cost and quality assurance. Those questions are being asked.” Perhaps the bright light in all this is the aggressive interest in long-term care shown by the NGA under chairman Gov. Dirk Kempthorne (R-Idaho). Kempthorne vowed last year that his chairmanship would be focused on LTC issues, with nationally televised forums and “best practices” investigations of such topics as financial planning, disease management and prevention, community-based care, and technological innovation. Earlier this year the NGA released a report on healthy aging and ways that state governments can contribute to this. In short, the future, if not the immediate future, begins to look more hopeful. Tort Reform Long-Term Care Financing-Private Insurance In fact, 2004 may turn out to be one of the quietest years on record, from the standpoint of LTC legislative innovation. With Congress distracted by other issues and the major presidential candidates uttering broad platitudes at best (see, for example, “John Kerry: Absent on Healthcare?” [View on Washington], Nursing Homes/Long Term Care Management, March 2004, p. 14), nursing homes had better get ready for some tough going. “In the meantime,” said Schaeffler, “our job is to keep reminding everyone that long-term care funding stability is a prerequisite if we expect to continue to see improvements in care quality.” Some LTC lobbyists predict, hopefully, that next year things will be seen in a different light. And, with enough protesting and complaining and voting for responsive people this year, maybe LTC insiders can make that light shine strong and true. |
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I Advance Senior Care is part of the Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care and published by Plain-English Health Care.
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