The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

Your thoughts on the solid surface flooring vs carpet debate

In deciding between carpet and solid surface flooring for my facility, I would:


– [Solid surface flooring] is not only easier to clean and maintain, it’s easier for wheel chair bound resident to maneuver on and is less of a tripping hazard for residents that shuffle when they walk.

– With today’s carpet options, moisture barriers, antimicrobials, antifungal, etc., carpet is a good choice.

– [Solid surface flooring] contains less allergens and easier to keep dust mites at bay.

– The type of flooring used would be dependent upon the particular area in my community. For example, I used to have carpet in our secured Alzheimer’s unit. However, due to residents constantly urinating/defecating on the floor (due to limited cognitive abilities), we finally switched to tile with a non-skid surface. Over time the carpet/padding held the urine smell no matter how much it was cleaned.

– While we have carpeting throughout the majority of our facility, we also utilize solid surface flooring for areas such as dining and bathing.

– [Solid surface flooring] cuts down on respiratory infections of staff and residents.

Where do you stand on this polarizing argument? Add your comments to the box below.

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