The New Wave of Foodservice Technology in Senior Care

Celebrating nursing homes

The American Health Care Association (AHCA) once again wants to recognize skilled nursing facilities through its National Nursing Home Week (NNHW).

“All across our nation, skilled nursing care centers create a unique spirit and community for residents and staff alike,” AHCA writes on its website. “Visit one of these nursing centers in your town or city, and you will witness the American spirit in action. Stories from proud veterans, immigrants and hardworking people of different faiths fill the walls of each center every day. This tapestry of cultures and experiences capture the essence of our proud country. “

Now in its 50th year, NNHW is an annual opportunity for residents, family, staff, volunteers and the larger community to honor the places and people who are dedicated to caring for seniors and individuals with disabilities.

This year, NNHW will be celebrated from May 14 to 20. The theme is “The Spirit of America” to highlight the bond among staff, volunteers and residents.

Here are examples of how some facilities are celebrating. See what other nursing homes are doing and share your own celebrations to

Topics: Facility management , Staffing