2003 Author Index
A |
Adendorff, Donna. Job Swap: Boosting Employee Morale and Resident Care, 62 (Oct) Awan, Eulalia. See, Fridkin, David |
B |
Barbera, Eleanor Feldman. Managing Resident Calls for Help, 78 (Oct) Battaglia, Sandra K. HIPAA Compliance, Part 2: Monitoring Your “Business Associates,” 46 (Jan) Bernstein, Howard L.; Donati, Victoria L. Don’t Close Your Eyes to Workplace Harassment, 56 (May) Bernstein, Howard L. See, Donati, Victoria L. Blumenstock, Claudia S. Take a Breath, 74 (Feb) Administrators: “Stuck in the Middle,” 74 (Oct) Bodoff, Russell. (Guest Editorial) New Technology Should Serve the Elderly, 6 (Jan) Bogen, Jon (interview). What’s New With Wireless? 28 (Sep) Boughman, Valarie. An IT System That Pulls Staff Together, 18 (Jan) Brechtl, John R. (interview). Caring for Patients With AIDS, 22 (May) |
C |
Cabot, Stephen J. Keeping Labor Loyal, 100 (Oct) Calkins, Margaret P. (interview). Lighting for Older Eyes, 68 (Nov) Callahan, John M. See, Rubas, Wendy L. Cates, Gary M. 2002 OPTIMA Award Entry: A Collaborative Approach to Facility Reorganization, 38 (Jul) Cerquone, Joseph. Welcome to the April 26-29 Convocation, 36 (Feb) Chizek, Mardy. Can You Use a Legal Nurse Consultant? 48 (Feb) Cobb, John (interview). An Investment House That’s “Bullish” on Long-Term Care, 20 (Mar) Coffey, Patrick L. See, Reuben, Keith D. Connell, Bettye Rose (interview). Why Residents Wander-and What You Can Do About It, 50 (Apr) |
D |
Dishman, Eric (interview). The “Smart Technology” Future Is Now, 84 (Oct) Donati, Victoria L.; Bernstein, Howard L. Top 10 Administrative Pitfalls in Dealing With Employees, 68 (Oct) Dugan, Kevin. Dealing With Difficult Behaviors, 60 (Mar) Durso, John J. (interview). Riding Out the Rising Tide of Litigation, 34 (Oct) |
E |
Edwards, Douglas J. Sex and Intimacy in the Nursing Home, 18 (Feb) |
F |
Farajun, Omry. Eliminate Computer-Backup Disasters, 68 (May) Farley, Daniel W. (Guest Editorial) Inspiration Might Be Closer Than You Think, 8 (Mar) Feldkamp, Janet K. (Legal Landscape) Navigating the Uncertain Legal Waters of Resident Sexuality, 62 (Feb) Feldman, Steve (interview). Consultant Pharmacists: Saving Lives and Money, 22 (Aug) Fogel, Lawrence A.; Watt, Joseph M. Symptoms of an Ailing Compliance Plan, 54 (Nov) Ford, Douglas S. Enhancing the Referral Process Between a Hospital and SNF, 64 (Nov) Forlini, Janet. See, Grape, Tom Fridkin, David; Awan, Eulalia (interview). Not Just an “Old Folks’ Home,” 16 (May) Fuller, Kathleen. Sad to the Bone, 44 (Feb) |
G |
Ginn, Gregory O.; Young, Cheri A. Competing in the Assisted Living Industry: A Hospitality Perspective, 62 (Mar) Gong, Jade; Greenwood, Robert. Understanding the Business Side of PACE, Part 1, 36 (Apr) The Business Side of PACE, Part 2, 60 (May) Gong, Jade. See, Padilla, Paula Grachek, Marianna Kern (interview). A New Course for JCAHO Accreditation, 30 (Sep) Grape, Tom; Forlini, Janet (interview, Assisted Living Review). ALFA Policymaking Moves Ahead, 104 (Oct) Greenwood, Robert. See, Gong, Jade |
H |
Hoban, Sandra. (Long-Timers) Vircy Evans: From Resident to Resident Advocate, 80 (Mar) Hoban, Sandra. Activities Plus at Montgomery Place, 52 (Jun) Hollinger-Smith, Linda. It Takes a Village to Retain Quality Nursing Staff, 52 (May) Hubbs, Eric. If Walls Could Talk…, 34(Jun) Huston, Sally. Technology for Independence, 46 (Dec) Hutlock, Todd. O Administrator, DON, Where Art Thou? 42 (Jan) Hyatt, Laura. (Business Strategies) Thinking Strategically About Falls Prevention, 10 (Feb) |
J |
Jacob, Dan. HIPAA and Handhelds, 22 (Jan) |
K |
Karanick, Joy. Performance Improvement: The New Quality Paradigm, 54 (Jan) Keane, Bill; Ustick, Kathleen (interview). Montessori Principles Work for Alzheimer’s, 58 (Jun) Keller, Stefan. Ten Tips for Developing an RFP for Employee-Screening Services, 48 (May) Kempe, Jo-Anne. 5 Steps to Preventive Maintenance, 26 (Jan) King, Halsey. Maintaining Your Buses, 55 (Aug) Klitch, Beth A. Defending the MDS-From Regulators and Litigators, 36 (Nov) Klusch, Leah. Targeting Our Approach to Incontinence, 28 (Dec) Kobriger, Annette M. Weight Loss Prevention Strategies: What Is Your Facility’s Score? 62 (Jun) Kosmin, Ethan Andrew. Eleven Ways to Improve Collections in Long-Term Care, 56 (Mar) Kramer, Robert G. (NIC on Financing) Industry Financial Benchmarks Show Signs of Improvement, but Serious Issues Remain, 66 (Mar) Krein, Keith (interview). Choosing a Medical Director: One Size Does Not Fit All, 15 (Apr) |
L |
Landy, Barbara; Olsen-DeHon, Dotty (interview). Caring for Larger Residents: Preserving Dignity Without Sacrificing Safety, 30 (Nov) Lebowitz, Lawrence M. Immigration Strategies for Hiring Staff, 42 (May) Lewis, Steven. Disaster Recovery Planning for Information Technology Functions, 50 (Feb) Littlehale, Steven B.; Simon, Sam. Do Quality Measures Really Identify Quality Care? 26 (May) |
M |
Maben, Patricia A. Designing a Better Bathroom, 24 (Mar) Managers of Penacook Place Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (interview). Does Ozone Laundry Really Work? A User’s Report, 68 (Feb) Mansour, Aisha. Implementing a Physical Activity Program, 52 (Mar) Marano, Cindy. Beating the Nursing Home Staffing Blues, 48 (Jan) Marcell, Jacqueline (interview). “Oh My God!” Lessons in Caregiving From a Pioneering Baby Boomer, 56 (Oct) Mazer, Susan E. Live Concerts Break Through Resident Isolation, 50 (Sep) Misiorski, Susan. Pioneering Culture Change, 24 (Oct) Moldow, Leslie. Building Green Pays Off, 26 (Jul) Moller, Julie; Renegar, Carrie. Bathing as a Wellness Experience, 108 (Oct) Morrison, Malcolm H. (Computer Technology Update) Meeting the April Deadline for the HIPAA Privacy Rule, 58 (Feb) Morrone, Anthony L.; Smoller, Jill. Change to Survive: The SOPA Approach to Costing, 54 (Feb) Mosher-Ashley, Pearl. See, Trombley, Jessica |
N |
Norman, Robert A. Caring for Aging Skin, 22 (Apr) |
O |
O’Brien, Charles (interview). Odor Control: Not Just a Cover-up, 76 (Sep) O’Connor, Denis. Don’t Forget the Kitchen! 22 (Jul) Olson-DeHon, Dotty. See, Landy, Barbara |
P |
Padilla, Paula; Gong, Jade. Marycrest Assisted Living’s Venture Into Olmstead Territory, 50 (Jan) Palmer, Mary H. (interview). Helping Residents Stay Dry, 70 (Jun) Peck, Richard L. Here Come the Rehab Therapy Caps, 35 (Jul) Peck, Richard L. (Editorial) Piner, W. David. Restoring Dignity to Bathing, 29 (Jun) |
R |
Rauma, Peter. Designing a Flexible Campus, 21 (Jun) What Makes a Healing Garden? 50 (Oct) Reuben, Keith D.; Coffey, Patrick L. Don’t Be Scared Off From Receivables-Based Financing, 14 (Jul) Rubas, Wendy L.; Callahan, John M. Avoiding the Pitfalls in Purchasing SNFs, 18 (Jul) |
S |
Sadowski, Andi. Training Staff in Resident Transfers, 44 (Aug) Salter, Vera. Workforce Solutions From Your Peers, 46 (May) Sampsell, Bethany G. The Promise, Practice, and Problems of the Eden Alternative, 41 (Dec) Seman, Dorothy. “Listen With the Ears of Your Heart,” 34 (Sep) Sharbaugh, Robert J. When Drugs Don’t Kill “Bugs,” 70 (May) Shephard, Rena R. The Power of the MDS, 40 (Apr) Shoemaker, Barbara. (Assisted Living Review) Reducing Resident Falls, 60 (Jan) Shumaker, Thomas A. Employee Privacy Versus Employer Rights, 60 (Nov) Simon, Sam. See, Littlehale, Steven B. Smoller, Jill. See, Morrone, Anthony L. Spector, Stanley. Surviving an Inspection, 66 (Sep) Staff of Glen Cove Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation (OPTIMA Award Winner). Creating a Five-Star Dining Experience, 20 (Sep) Stoil, Michael J. (View on Washington) |
T |
Taylor, Nancy (Voices From the Field). From Both Sides of the Coin, 69 (Jun) Thomas, Audrey. Growth Through Volunteering, 44 (Apr) Thomas, Bruce. See, Trombley, Jessica Thompson, James J. Safety: A Key Ingredient in the Recipe for Success, 22 (Feb) Todd, Jaime. Teach Staff to Walk in Surveyors’ Shoes, 40 (Feb) Trombley, Jessica; Thomas, Bruce; Mosher-Ashley, Pearl. Massage Therapy for Elder Residents, 92 (Oct) |
U |
Ustick, Kathleen. See, Keane, Bill |
V |
Volzer, Robert (Design Center) Home Is Where the “Hearth” Is, 47 (Oct) Getting Into the Swing, 41 (Nov) The Living Tapestry of MCH, 33 (Dec) |
W |
Watt, Joseph M. See, Fogel, Lawrence A. Werner, Bryan. Successfully Implementing Divergent Specialized Programs in a SNF, 46 (Mar) Whitlock, Sylvia Gaudette. Quality Initiatives: Are Nursing Homes Getting Better? 24 (Nov) Willging, Paul R. (Assisted Living Review) Willging, Paul R. (Paul Willging Says…) Williams, Linda. Pressure Ulcers: Case Study and Lessons Learned, 64 (Jan) |
Y |
Young, Cheri A. See, Ginn, Gregory O. |
Z |
Zaneski, Linda O’Boyle. Documenting Quality Assurance, 64 (Sep) Zinn, Linda. Better Pain Management = Fewer Pressure Ulcers, 74 (Mar) |

I Advance Senior Care is the industry-leading source for practical, in-depth, business-building, and resident care information for owners, executives, administrators, and directors of nursing at assisted living communities, skilled nursing facilities, post-acute facilities, and continuing care retirement communities. The I Advance Senior Care editorial team and industry experts provide market analysis, strategic direction, policy commentary, clinical best-practices, business management, and technology breakthroughs.
I Advance Senior Care is part of the Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care and published by Plain-English Health Care.
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